Evolution and Biodiversity

Category: reproductive behaviour (Page 1 of 4)

The longer the better

Red-cheeked cordon-bleu male shows his ability to collect nesting material

Red-cheeked cordon bleu shows nesting material at courtship

A red-cheeked cordon-bleu often holds a grass stem in its beak during courtship. It chooses the longest object it can get, Masayo Soma and colleagues found.

A male and female red-cheeked cordon-bleu work on their relationship continuously. They sing and dance for each other; dancing entails simply hopping up and down. Song and dance play a role in mutual mate selection and serve to strengthen the pair bond afterwards; a courtship session rarely results in copulation. Couples are close and male and female raise young together.

During courtship, birds often hold a grass stem or straw in their beak, and Masayo Soma and colleagues investigated the significance of this courtship element.

Grass nest

The red-cheeked cordon-bleu (Uraeginthus bengalus) is a songbird that lives in sub-Saharan Africa. It belongs to the estrildid finches, a group of species of which most have beautiful colour patterns. Many species strengthen the pair bond, like the red-cheeked cordon-bleu, with song and dance during which they may hold a grass stem. Males hold a stem during dance more often than females.

Previous research had shown that species performing a stem-holding display are mainly species in which males work intensively on building the nest. Many species of estrildid finches make a nest of grass; the males have the task of collecting the nesting material, while females remain on the nest and weave in the stems that were brought in. This is also the case in red-cheeked cordon-bleu.

The idea is therefore that a male holds a grass stem in his beak while dancing to show that he is well able to perform his task. For females, handling a grass stem does not have that meaning.

The longest

That idea is now gaining additional support. Because if a male intents to advertise his nest material collecting ability by performing nesting material holding display, a long stem is more convincing than a short one. And indeed: a long stem is preferred, red-cheeked cordon-bleus showed in choice tests. The birds, which are about 13 centimetres long, were offered strings of 5, 10 and 20 centimetres. They mostly chose a string of 20 centimetres. If they picked up a short string, they immediately threw it away.

The researchers did similar experiments with the star finch (Bathilda ruficauda, ​​synonym Neochima ruficauda), an estrildid finch from northern Australia and also a grass nest builder, and got the same result.

The story is not yet complete. For instance, the researchers do not know whether a bird that displays with a long grass stem will get a better partner or be more successful in maintaining the pair bond. Moreover: it is not clear whether long stems are preferred for nest building. If not, then handling a long stem would serve to embellish the display rather than to prove collecting ability.

Willy van Strien

Photo: red-cheeked cordon-bleu (Uraeginthus bengalus). Carlos Vermeersch Santana (Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)

See also: blue-capped cordon-bleu (Uraeginthus cyanocephalus), closely related to red-cheeked cordon-bleu, performs tap dance

Soma, M., M. Nakatani & N. Ota, 2025.  Choice of props for courtship dancing in estrildid finches. Scientific Reports 15: 219. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-81419-6
Soma, M., 2018. Sexual selection in Estrildid finches, with further review of the evolution of nesting material holding display in relation to cooperative parental nesting. The Japanese Journal of Animal Psychology, 68: 121-130. Doi: 10.2502/janip.68.2.2

Fruit abundance

White-bearded manakin with rich territorium spends much time to display

In the white-bearded manakin, Manacus manacus, males contribute nothing to the care of the offspring. They occupy a territory in the vicinity of two to dozens of other males and try to attract as many females as possible and seduce them to mate. Females do the rest: after they have selected a male and copulated, they build a nest without help, incubate the eggs and raise the young.

Males with a territory that is rich in the fruits that they eat receive more female visits than males in a place with less food, Luke Anderson and colleagues discovered.

The white-bearded manakin, a small songbird, lives in forests in tropical South America. Like in many of the other 55 manakin species, the black-and-white males display spectacular courtship behaviour to attract females during the breeding season. Some males are much more successful than others.

A male possesses a territory in which he has cleared a court – a piece of ground of 15 to 90 centimetres in diameter, surrounded by saplings – down to the bare soil. Clean ground is safe, because a dangerous snake is perceived immediately. Moreover, the male stands out with his show. He puffs out his beard feathers, utters his call and leaps up and down between stems and the ground at lightning speed, his wings snapping and whirring. He can sustain this energetically costly show for up to half a minute at a time.

The olive-green females do best to choose a male of good genetic quality, to maximize the chance to produce successful offspring. An important criterium by which females can judge the quality of males is their courtship performance. The more intense the courtship is, the stronger and healthier the performer will be.

But now, Anderson writes that some white-bearded manakin males have an advantage by possessing a rich territory. The birds eat mainly ripe fruits, and territories differ greatly in fruit availability, his research in Ecuador shows. Males with a rich territory have to spend hardly time looking for food and are in good condition, he assumed. And indeed, as camera observations showed: the richer a territory was, the more time its owner spent on his shows.

And the more time a male spent displaying, the higher the frequency of female visits, thus the more reproductive success he had.

So, the displaying males are rivals on an uneven playing field; males with a rich territory are at an advantage. Is courtship performance then an honest signal of their quality?

It would be an dishonest signal if it is a coincidence whether a white-bearded manakin male occupies a rich territory, his quality having nothing to do with it.

But probably, the males have to compete for the best place, and the highest quality male will obtain the richest territory where he can spend much time on courtship display. In this case, the courtship performance is an honest signal for females to assess male quality.

The birds deposit the seeds of the fruits they eat back into their territory. In this way, places with fruiting plants will continue to exist. Males are long-living and can occupy the same territory for up to eleven years.

Willy van Strien

Photo: White-bearded manakin male. Félix Uribe (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons CC BY -SA 2.0)

Watch a video of a displaying white-bearded manakin male on You Tube

Anderson, H.L., J. Cabo & J. Karubian, 2024. Fruit resources shape sexual selection processes in a lek mating system. Biology Letters 20: 20240284. Doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2024.0284
Cestari, C. & M.A. Pizo, 2014. Court cleaning behavior of the white-bearded manakin (Manacus manacus) and a test of the anti-predation hypothesis. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 126: 98-104. Doi: 10.1676/13-032.1

Successful in the deep sea

Deep-sea anglerfishes flourished thanks to sexual parasitism

The pitch-dark, oxygen-lacking, cold, almost empty deep sea is a difficult environment to live in. But the common ancestor of deep-sea anglerfishes moved into this environment and the fish became highly successful from an evolutionary perspective: there are about 170 species. Chase Brownstein and colleagues describe how this animal group arised and flourished.

Deep-sea anglerfishes (Ceratioidea) may be the strangest animals around. Females are clumsy animals that can barely swim. They lure their prey with a ‘fishing rod’ growing from their heads with a luminous end. Males are much smaller than females and do not eat anything at all. They swim around looking for a mate. Upon finding a female, a male attaches onto her abdomen with his teeth and when she lays eggs, he fertilizes them. In some species, this biting results in a fusion, in which the male turns into a sperm-supplying appendage to his partner, deriving nutrition from her through a shared circulatory system: sexual parasitism.

It was this bizarre and unique method of reproduction that enabled colonization of the deep sea.

The deep-sea anglerfishes are part of the order of the anglerfishes (Lophiiformes). Their closest relatives live on seafloors, where they lie still or ‘walk’ on their pelvic fins. About 50 million years ago, the ancestor of the deep-sea anglerfishes split from such bottom dwellers and moved to the open deep sea. This happened at a time when the Earth was warmer normal, and many species in oceans went extinct. Perhaps the seafloor became less suitable as a place to live. In any case, the deep sea was a new environment where deep-sea anglerfishes underwent a period of rapid specialization and speciation.

A major problem in the deep sea is reproduction. Because there is little life, fish live in low densities. The chance of encountering a mate is small, and the chance that two conspecifics will meet each other when both are ready to reproduce is extremely small. Here, the unique method of reproduction in deep-sea anglerfishes was helpful. The researchers think that they practiced sexual parasitism from the beginning. As a result, a male only once had to find a female and it did not matter when he met her. Because he attached and did not let go, the two were assured of sex: he was ready to deliver his sperm as soon as she could lay eggs.

This is still the case in many species, but other species arose in which the male attaches to a female only temporarily.

Sexual parasitism, with dwarf males attached as sperm sacs, does not otherwise occur in vertebrates. How did it arise in deep-sea angler fishes? The researchers point to two developments that were taking place. First, there was a trend for male anglerfish to be smaller than females. Second, anglerfishes reduced their immune system, especially the acquired part, which builds up protection against specific pathogens or parasites that it has been exposed to. How these fishes do defend themselves against diseases is still unknown.

The deep-sea anglerfishes took both trends to the extreme: males are no larger than necessary to swim to a mate and produce sperm. And the acquired immune system has largely been dismantled, so that males can parasitize on females without any problems.

So, it was a fortunate combination of circumstances and characteristics that drove the deep-sea anglerfishes to the challenging deep sea and made them successful.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Female Humpback anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii), which belongs to deep-sea anglerfish. Fernando Losada Rodríguez (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

More about tiny deep-sea anglerfish males that parasitize on females

Brownstein, C.D., K.L. Zapfe, S. Lott, R. Harrington, A. Ghezelayagh, A. Dornburg & T.J. Near, 2024. Synergistic innovations enabled the radiation of anglerfishes in the deep open ocean. Current Biology 34: 2541-2550. Doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.04.066

Perfume makers

Male orchid bees concoct a precious perfume

A beautiful colour with a metallic sheen appears to be insufficient for male orchid bees to impress females. They must also have an attractive scent. Orchid bees (Euglossini, about two hundred species) are found in tropical America. They do not live in colonies, like the honeybee. Males occupy a territory and try to attract females.

A wonderful smell is provided by a self-made perfume, which consists of a mixture of scents that males collected from flowers, rotting wood, sap from trees and – weird enough – faeces. Males differ in the intensity and complexity of their perfume, and only a few males have an outstanding blend. That’s no wonder, because it takes a lot of time and energy to find and collect the dozens of aromatic components, most of which are scarce. Young bees in particular work fanatically to concoct their perfume, as Jonas Henske and Thomas Eltz discovered during their research on Euglossa imperialis in Costa Rica. Males of this species can live for six weeks to three months.

Hundreds of species of orchids benefit from the male orchid bees’ urge to collect scents. They are pollinated exclusively by these bees, in exchange for a precious fragrance.

Males capture volatile odours by spitting lipids onto a sweet-smelling surface. The fragrances are absorbed by the lipids. The bees then use their legs to stuff the scented fat into special pouches on their hind legs. They regularly take out the content to enrich it with new odours, creating an extensive and complex mixture of fragrances.

A male that wants to mate makes hovering flights in his territory, moving his legs in a characteristic way. Underneath its body, the right and left middle legs alternately sweep the pouches of the opposite hind leg. Tufts of hair on the middle legs absorb some fat. The fluttering wings then spread the perfume that is released.

Experiments in the lab showed that females are interested. The perfume allows them to determine whether they are dealing with a male of their own species; each species of orchid bee has its characteristic scent bouquet. The species Euglossa dilemma and Euglossa viridissima, for example, look similar, but can be distinguished by smell. This indicates that the males carefully compose their scent mixture: all components in exactly the right proportions.

The researchers had assumed that the oldest male orchid bees would have the largest supply and the most complex perfume, because they had had the most time to create it. Such a precious perfume would be evidence that its owners had lived a long time, a signal of good hereditary quality and good condition. But that idea turns out to be wrong.

To test their assumption, Henske and Eltz attracted Euglossa imperialis males, captured them, estimated their age, and sealed the perfume pouch on the right hind leg with glue. They then released the animals and waited for them to reappear at the original capture site. Half of the males returned within five days, some stayed away for more than twelve days. The researchers could capture about a third for the second time, and then they compared the contents of both perfume pouches.

Between the first and second measurement, young males had improved the perfume in the pouch on the left hind leg, which had been left open: the supply had become larger, and the perfume had a more varied composition than that in the sealed right pouch. The perfume in the left pouch of old males had deteriorated in quantity and quality.

Perhaps young orchid bee males have a sharper sense of smell, or are more efficient at finding and storing odours, the researchers think. But it may also be a trade-off. Males collect scents and court females throughout their lives, expanding their perfume supply continuously on the one hand and using bits of it up on the other. The balance can change. For males that do not have much time left to live, it may not be worth acquiring more scent; they better use the perfume supply they have.

Unfortunately, it is not known whether females prefer a more complex scent.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Euglossa species male. Thomas Shahan (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons BB BY 2.0)

Henske, J. & T. Eltz, 2024. Age-dependent perfume development in male orchid bees, Euglossa imperialis. Journal of Experimental Biology 227: jeb246995. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.246995
Eltz, T., C. Bause, K. Hund, J.J.G. Quezada-Euan & T. Pokorny, 2015. Correlates of perfume load in male orchid bees. Chemoecology 25:193-199. Doi: 10.1007/s00049-015-0190-9
Eltz. T., Y. Zimmermann, J. Haftmann, R. Twele, W. Francke, J.J.G. Quezada-Euan & K. Lunau, 2007. Enfleurage, lipid recycling and the origin of perfume collection in orchid bees. Proc. R. Soc. B 274: 2843-2848. Doi: 10.1098/rspb.2007.0727
Eltz, T., D.W. Roubik & M.W. Whitten, 2003. Fragrances, male display and mating behaviour of Euglossa hemichlora: a flight cage experiment. Physiological Entomology 28: 251-260. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3032.2003.00340.x

Sacrificing sleep

Male dusky antechinus reduces sleep in mating season

As for all species, producing as many offspring as possible is what life is all about for the dusky antechinus, Antechinus swainsonii. For males, which do not care for young, this means that they have to mate with as many females as possible, because every successful mating may increase the number of young they sire. To achieve this, only three weeks are available, because this is the period in which all females are fertile. Males experience fierce competition; as a consequence of the pressure to face this, they are twice as heavy as females.

This short and intensive mating season has a very bizarre ending for males: they all die. Females, that carry the young in a flap of skin (they have no complete pouch), stay alive and many of them experience a second reproduction season the next year. But for males, it is over after one time.

To score as many partners as possible in that single mating season, males cut back on rest, Erika Zaid and colleagues discovered.

The dusky antechinus, a species of broad-footed marsupial mice, is an insectivorous predator that lives in Australia. Before the mating season, male and female sleep an average of more than 15 hours per day. During the mating season, measurements of physical activity and EEGs show that males reduce this to 12 hours on average: 20 percent less. The increased activity, which they exhibit especially at night, is accompanied by a higher level of the male sex hormone testosterone in the blood, giving them extra time and strength to find females and get access.

Unfortunately, the researchers do not know whether males that sacrifice much sleep actually father more offspring. Also, they did not investigate whether males compensate for the lack of sleep by sleeping more deeply.

Sleeping less jeopardizes health. The concentration of corticosteroids, which suppress the immune system, increases, with ultimately fatal consequences. But because males will die soon anyway, staying healthy is no longer important. Mating more often is now a better strategy than getting enough sleep.

You might think that dusky antechinus males die after the mating season because they have been acting so unhealthy. But that is not how it works, according to the researchers. Their death is a certainty. The increase in corticosteroids hardly contributes anything to this fate, but it does ensure that they can sustain their increased activity.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Antechinus swainsonii. Catching the eye (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons CC BY 2.0)

Zaid, E., F.W. Rainsford, R.D. Johnsson, M. Valcu, A.L. Vyssotski, P. Meerlo & J.A. Lesku, 2024. Semelparous marsupials reduce sleep for seks. Current Biology, January 25 online. Doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.12.064

Purple-crowned fairywren assists dear breeders

purple-crowned faiywren helps parent and potential partner

The number of territories available is limited for purple-crowned fairywren, a small passerine bird that lives in northern Australia in dense vegetation along rivers and creeks. The territories are linearly aligned, are kept all year round and are all occupied. Out of necessity, young birds often stay with their parents for a few years; most breeding pairs have a few male and female subordinates around them. Purple-crowned fairywrens, Malurus coronatus, eat insects; males have a beautiful purple crown during the breeding season.

Subordinates can assist the breeding pair during the busiest time, the two weeks when the young need to be provisioned. But not all of them offer help, and not all helpers work equally hard. Group members that don’t help are still allowed to stay in the group. Niki Teunissen and colleagues investigated under which circumstances group members do or do not help well. They show that a purple-crowned fairywren subordinate ‘knows’ precisely when it pays to be helpful.

The researchers provided birds with colour rings to make them individually recognizable and of each bird, they knew its parents and its brothers and sisters. They observed the behaviour of fifty groups during three breeding seasons.

If young in the nest have the same parents as a subordinate, or share one parent with it, that subordinate will help feed them. And that is worth the effort. Because with help, more young fledge per clutch on average. A helper shares in this greater success, because those young are full siblings or half-siblings. But in the few years that children stick around, both parents may have died or disappeared and been replaced. And sometimes young birds do not join their parents, but another couple. In such cases, the young are unrelated and a subordinate will not help raise them.

Kinship with the young does not fully explain the willingness to help, though, because, on average, group members work harder for a clutch of half-brothers and half-sisters than for a clutch of full brothers and sisters. That seems enigmatic, but something else is going on. Whether a subordinate will support a breeding pair and how hard it will work, also depends on the value that the pair itself has.

When both the breeding male and female are not its parents, it is not going to help feed the young, as we already saw. If both are its parents, it will help; the young are then full siblings. Thanks to this help, the parents reduce their workload. Their chance of survival increases, and so does the chance that a new clutch of brothers and sisters will be produced. This is also a win for the helper.

Things get interesting, the researchers discovered, when one parent is gone and the other parent has a new partner. How hard a resident purple-crowned fairywren will work now depends on which parent is left: the same-sex parent or the other one.

A female purple-crowned fairywren living with her mother and her new partner works much harder than a subordinate in a group with both parents. That is because that new male partner is interesting. If her mother dies, the helper may inherit her place and her partner, become the owner of the territory and produce the next clutch. That’s the main prize!

With a father and a new partner, she has less to gain. That new female partner is of no use to her, in fact: she is a rival if a new male ever comes into play. So, she works less hard.

Likewise, a male fairywren puts in most effort in helping when living with a father with a new partner.

And therefore, a subordinate purple-crowned fairywren works hardest when the breeding pair consists of a parent and a potential mate – which is very sophisticated. Such couple has great value to him or her. That is why he or she often helps provisioning a nest with half-siblings more intensively than a nest with full siblings.

In line with this, the researchers had previously shown that a young purple-crowned fairywren is less willing to join a group with a same-sex stepparent. Subordinates affiliate with parents and a potential mate. Also, when they help defend the nest against predators, it is to protect (half)siblings as well as parents and a potential mate.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Female (left) and male purple-crowned fairywren. P. Barden (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons CC BY 4.0)

Teunissen, N., M. Fan, M.J. Roast, N. Hidalgo Aranzamendi, S.A. Kingma & A. Peters, 2023. Best of both worlds? Helpers in a cooperative fairy-wren assist most to breeding pairs that comprise a potential mate and a relative. Royal Society Open Science 10: 231342. Doi: 10.1098/rsos.231342
Teunissen, N., S.A. Kingma, M. Fan, M.J. Roast & A. Peters, 2021. Context-dependent social benefits drive cooperative predator defense in a bird. Current Biology 31: 4120-4126. Doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.06.070
Teunissen, N., S.A. Kingma, M.L. Hall, N. Hidalgo Aranzamendi, J. Komdeur & A. Peters, 2018. More than kin: subordinates foster strong bonds with relatives and potential mates in a social bird. Behavioral Ecology 29: 1316-1324. Doi: 10.1093/beheco/ary120
Kingma, S.A., M.L. Hall, E. Arriero & A. Peters, 2010. Multiple benefits of cooperative breeding in purple-crowned fairy-wrens: a consequence of fidelity? Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 757-768. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2010.01697.x

Promotion for buff-tailed bumblebee worker

If the queen is lost, a worker can take over

When the queen is lost, a buff-tailed bumblebee worker can take over

Normally, buff-tailed bumblebee workers do not mate. But if the queen disappeared, they may mate, Mingsheng Zhuang and colleagues show, enabling the colony to survive.

A bee queen mates and lays eggs; fertilized eggs develop into females, unfertilized eggs into males. Her workers, also females, refrain from reproduction; they defend the nest, care for the brood and forage for food. Thanks to this strict division of labour, a colony runs well. If workers also would produce eggs, too little work would be done. Because the offspring of the queen are related to each other, workers have indirect reproductive success. They do not have a spermatheca, the vesicle in which females store sperm after mating, and are unable to mate. Once a worker, always a worker.

At least, this is how it is in honeybees.

But it does not apply to all bee species that live in colonies with a division of labour between queen and workers, so-called ‘eusocial’ species. In bumblebees (which belong to the bees), workers do have a spermatheca.

It was a mystery why. Now, Mingsheng Zhuang and colleagues argue that bumblebee workers sometimes are promoted to queen.

Artificial insemination

Zhuang shows that workers of several bumblebee species have a spermatheca that is functional. When he artificially inseminated workers, they responded in the same way as queens. They laid fertilized eggs from which daughters emerged and founded a colony. He thinks that workers of all bumblebee species still have a functional spermatheca, even though bumblebees have existed as a eusocial group for tens of millions of years.

The logical next question is whether bumblebee workers can actually mate and function as queens. And under what circumstances they will do.

The researchers conducted much of their research on the buff-tailed bumblebee, Bombus terrestris. This species, which occurs in Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, has colonies that exist for one year. In the spring, each queen that has mated and hibernated starts a colony on her own. She makes a nest in the ground, lays eggs and takes care of the larvae that hatch. These larvae develop into workers. Once they are present, the queen is dedicated to laying eggs. The colony grows to a size of hundreds of workers.

At the end of the season, the queen lays eggs from which males develop, and young queens appear. Workers also will lay eggs then, which are unfertilized and produce males. Young queens leave, mate and search a place to hibernate. Males and workers die.


Buff-tailed bumblebee workers normally do not mate. But they can, as experiments of Zhuang show, if they have been separated from the queen and egg-laying workers for a while. In this regard, they differ from young queens, which do not need such a period of isolation. And if a worker has been in the company of nest mates for more than 24 hours before isolation, a switch is not possible anymore. So, opportunities for promotion are limited. Moreover, the chance of workers surviving a mating appears to be small.

But it may be enough to be able to provide a replacement and rescue the colony if a queen dies prematurely, Zhuang and colleagues think; that chance is probably quite high. In that case, workers will lay eggs that develop into early males and if one of the workers takes over the role of queen, mating and producing daughters, the colony can finish the season. According to them, this explains why workers have retained a functional spermatheca. It is difficult to determine whether such replacement often occurs in the wild, they write. It would require locating and digging out colonies and conducting DNA research.


Why doesn’t a worker leave the natal colony and start her own? She would have to leave soon after eclosion, meet a male and survive the mating. But workers are much smaller than queens and produce fewer eggs. Being part of a large colony as a worker will yield greater reproductive success than heading a small colony as a queen.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Buff-tailed bumble bee queen on small-leaved lime. Ivar Leidus (Wikimedia Commons, Creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Zhuang. M., T.J. Colgan, Y. Guo, Z. Zhang, F. Liu, Z. Xia, X. Dai, Z. Zhan, Y. Li, L. Wang, J. Xu, Y. Guo, Y. Qu, J. Yao, H. Yang, F. Yang, X. Li, J. Guo, M.J.F. Brown & J. Li, 2023. Unexpected worker mating and colony founding in a superorganism. Nature Communications 14: 5499. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-41198-6

Two-spotted spider mite male in a hurry

He strips off her old skin to be the first to mate

A female two-spotted spider mite often is undressed by a male

When a two-spotted spider mite female is about to moult into an adult, a male is often already waiting to undress her and mate, Peter Schausbergen and colleagues write.

Males of the two-spotted or red spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, have to exert every effort to produce offspring, because only the one who is the first to copulate with a female can fertilize her eggs. So, it is important to be present as soon as a female matures. Often, a male is already around before that time, according to observations by Peter Schausbergen and colleagues.

Mites are arachnids. They start life as an egg, become a larva and then go through two nymphal stages. They moult between the stages and emerge from the old skin a bit bigger; after the last moult they are sexually mature. Females develop from fertilized eggs, males from unfertilized eggs.

Silvery appearance

A female two-spotted spider mite is often joined in the last nymphal stage by a male that claims her by sitting on top of her. He spends time and energy on guarding her, and these would be wasted if a rival appears after the last moult and succeeds in mating first. That danger is real, because a newly emerged adult female secretes pheromones that attract males. The guarding male must prevent this.

To shorten the precious waiting time and secure the first mating, a guarding male acts decisively when her final moult is coming. A day before moulting, the nymph enters a resting phase, and in the last few hours she takes on a silvery colour due to air getting between the old skin, which she will shed, and the new skin.

She initiates the moult by bulging, causing the old skin to crack along a crossline. If she is alone, she first pulls off the anterior part of the old skin and then the posterior part, exposing her genital opening. But if a male is guarding, things go different. He drums her back with his forelegs, and in response she bulges earlier. When the old skin has cracked, he quickly strips off the posterior part with his pedipalps (the ‘boxing gloves’ that also spiders also possess). And then, with a bit of luck, he will indeed be the first to mate.

Fighters and sneakers

In our view, this undressing behaviour of the male two-spotted spider mite is very indecent. But he has no choice. Prudent behaviour is punished by natural selection: if he waits patiently for her to undress herself, it is more likely that another male takes over and sires the offspring.

There are two types of guards. Some are fighters, that are often disturbed by other males when they sit on a female and dismount to fight. Others are sneakers, that are not attacked by rivals and are never disturbed. Maybe other males mistake them for females because they do not respond, or maybe they smell like females. It would be interesting to find out whether fighters and sneakers display the same pushing behaviour when the nymph they guard is about to moult.


The two-spotted spider mite is less than half a millimetre long. It feeds by piercing plant cells and sucking their contents. It is a worldwide pest on many agricultural crops. A single mite does little harm, but the bugs multiply quickly and in a brief time, there are many of them.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Two-spotted spider mite female, Tetranychus urticae. Gilles San Martin (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Schausberger, P., T.H.H. Nguyen & M. Altintas, 2023. Spider mite males undress females to secure the first mating. iScience, 107112, 7 July. Doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.107112
Sato, Y., M.W. Sabelis, M. Egas & F. Faraji, 2013. Alternative phenotypes of male mating behaviour in the two-spotted spider mite. Experimental and Applied Acarology 61: 31-41. Doi: 10.1007/s10493-013-9673-y


Young spotted bowerbird joins older male

Spotted bowerbird males collaborate

In company of a subordinate, a spotted bowerbird male stands stronger: his bower is safe, and more females are impressed, according to observations by Giovanni Spezie and Leonida Fusani.

Bowerbird males keep themselves to themselves. To seduce females, they each build their own bower with courtship platforms. They keep a far distance from each other; in the spotted bowerbird, the average distance is no less than 1 kilometre. Yet the owner of a bower often has company of a subordinate male. Giovanni Spezie and Leonida Fusani wondered what such male is doing there. Is he a younger male learning skills from an older one? Or does he actively participate in the activities, is it a form of collaboration?

The spotted bowerbird (Ptilonorhynchus maculatus or Chlamydera maculata) is one of 21 species of bowerbirds that exist, and it lives in eastern Australia. It has an erectile lilac crest on the nape.

spotted bowerbird bower is a lane with two platformsA male builds a lane of grass and twigs with a platform on both sides of mainly greyish objects, such as bones and stones. He decorates the place with berries, leaves and pieces of glass. Females will visit and enter the bower to watch the male calling and dancing next to his bower. The performance can last an hour. With his elaborate bower and energetic courtship display, he shows his quality. If she likes it, she will mate.

Males can devote all their time to show off, because taking care of the young is a females’ task. Some males attract several females, but all the effort of many others are in vain.

Adequate reaction

To find out what subordinate males are doing at bowers, the researchers made motion-activated video recordings. They analysed the footage to see if such male just watches, or also participates in bower maintenance and courtship. And if he helps, is he, like the bower owner, able to adapt his behaviour to the reaction of a visiting female, for example if she threatens to leave? Does the bower owner benefit from the help? And the helper himself?

Although subordinate males are less active than bower owners, they behave similar and respond to female behaviour in the same way (unless the researchers missed subtle differences). So, the relationship between an owner and subordinate seems unlike that of teacher and apprenticeship, the researchers suggest.

Both participants benefit

Rather, the subordinate seems to be a helper. In his presence, the bower is less likely to be plundered by competing males. Males often destroy each other’s bower or steal precious ornaments to embellish their own place. In the spotted bowerbird, marauding is less common than in other species, but the presence of an extra male even reduces the risk. That is why a bower owner may tolerate the presence of another male.

In addition, an owner with a helper has more courtship success.

The owner thus benefits from the company of a subordinate. In turn, the auxiliary male also benefits; sometimes he has an opportunity to mate with a visiting female. In addition, there is a chance that he will gain ownership of the bower. A partnership between males may last for years.


The collaboration would be most useful if the males were related, for example brothers, so that the subordinate indirectly has some reproductive success via the bower owner. But researchers have not yet investigated whether that is the case.

It is questionable. Other research had shown that males pay little attention to family relationships. They don’t necessarily place their bower near relatives, but they don’t avoid them either. And if they maraud a bower, it is the neighbour’s bower, regardless of whether the birds are relatives.

Willy van Strien

Large: spotted bowerbird. Greg Miles (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons CC BY-SA 2.0)
Small: bower of spotted bowerbird. Davidgregsmith (Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)

Spezie, G. & L. Fusani, 2022. Male–male associations in spotted bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus maculatus) exhibit attributes of courtship coalitions. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76: 97. Doi: 10.1007/s00265-022-03200-x
Madden, J.R., T.J. Lowe, H.V. Fuller, R.L. Coe, K.K. Dasmahapatra, W. Amos & F. Jury, 2004. Neighbouring male spotted bowerbirds are not related, but do maraud each other. Animal Behaviour, 68: 751-758. Doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2003.12.006

Emergency leap after mating

Spider male escapes from cannibalism

Philoponella prominens male jumps away to safety after mating

With a catapult mechanism, a male of the spider Philoponella prominens manages to escape his hungry partner after copulation. Shichang Zhang and colleagues recorded it on video.

For many male spiders, mating is life-threatening. Because to a female, a male not only is a supplier of sperm that she can use to fertilize her eggs, but also a tasty snack. And when he has given his sperm, he is just a meal. Dying without siring offspring is no option. So, he has to proceed with caution, and leave immediately after finishing copulation.

A Philoponella prominens male, a spider species from woods of central China, is very accomplished. After mating, he swiftly leaps away, out of her reach, Shichang Zhang and colleagues show. They recorded mating and leaping with a high-speed camera.

High pressure

During mating, which lasts half a minute, he folds his two front legs against her, the researchers observed. By suddenly stretching them afterwards, he pushes off and shoots away. He had already secured himself before with a safety line of silk, which he had tied to the edge of her web. After leaping, he crawls back via that line to mate with her again. He is able to repeat the action up to six times.

Spiders move their legs not only with muscles, but also use hydraulics. They bend the legs by contracting flexor muscles but lack extensor muscles. Instead, they fill the joints with body fluid at high pressure, so that the legs stretch by released hydraulic power as the flexor muscles are relaxed. In this way, a male Philoponella prominens jumps from his partner. He reaches a speed of about seventy centimeters per second, spinning around at high speed. A female is unable to grasp him.

The leap is lifesaving, as the researchers showed. If they prevented a male from leaping with a fine brush, he was grabbed by his partner and eaten. As if he were just prey.

Willy van Strien

Photo: Philoponella prominens, mala above female. © Shichang Zhang

Emergency leap on video

Another spider male that has to be careful: Maevia inclemens

Zhang, S., Y. Liu, Y. Ma, H. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Kuntner & D. Li, 2022. Male spiders avoid sexual cannibalism with a catapult mechanism. Current Biology 32: R341-R359. Doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.03.051

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